IRS has announced that the 2019 inflation-adjusted maximum fair market values (FMVs) for employer-provided vehicles, the personal use of which can be valued for fringe benefit purposes at the mileage allowance rate (58¢ per mile for 2019). For 2019, the FMV can’t exceed $50,400 (was $50,000 for 2018). In addition, the 2019 maximum fleet-average vehicle FMV for vehicles, for purposes of the use of the annual lease value fringe benefit valuation method for an employer with a fleet of 20 or more vehicles, also is $50,400 (was $50,000 for 2018). The IRS also announced that certain employers may switch to the cents-per-mile valuation method or the fleet-average FMV maximum for the 2018 or 2019 tax year.


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